Today, more than ever, you have an obligation to become the partner of choice for your customers, a “one-stop-shop” to help meet all their commitments – financial or otherwise. We help you service these current needs through:

Plug-in Integrations, Coherent and smooth orchestration of your IT assets, enabling simple, streamlined customer journeys
Building a digital marketplace to offer unique, bundled offerings with partners and third-party providers
Crafting engaging, personalized omnichannel integrated customer experiences through digitalization and automation of customer processes
Enabling change through composable banking based on APIs and Microservices, to speedily render core legacy functionality
Digital Transformation Banking & Financial Services
By Martin Stiller and Thomas Zink
Concierge BankTM, a marketplace-banking product by Torry Harris is helping banks worldwide to offer innovative new products to customers through an API-driven marketplace solution and a simple user interface.
Creating value for BFSI, enabling ecosystems

We enable banking-as-a-platform. A summary of few of our digital banking initiatives:

Building platforms for enablement of Mobile Financial Services (MFS) solutions.


Implementing Open APIs and an integration layer for an Industry mashup between banking institutions and Telcos.


Digital Transformation in Insurance - Creating Micro-Insurance platforms to increase sales of Micro-insurance products. Enabling payment through Mobile Money.


Legacy modernization initiatives to increase operational efficiency and connectivity within and outside IT estates. API enablement of legacy and reuse to help reduce time to market.


Setting up of dedicated Offshore Development & Maintenance Centers (ODCs) as a virtual extension of the client's development facilities with dedicated resources and infrastructure.


Digital Transformation of Banks - API enablement to externalize functionality of core banking solutions, in order to reduce dependency on proprietary business logic. Enables reuse and the flexibility to build for change.


Turnkey Open API engagements including end-to-end testing, to help enter the API economy faster.

What's New


The Rise of Marketplace-Banking
Modern financial ecosystems afforded by Open-Banking APIs are steadily changing the nature of banking. Open-Banking is gaining popularity with consumers and banks through the relatively new phenomenon of marketplace-banking. Marketplace-banking is attractive to consumers because it provides a wealth of new services via their bank’s app.


Practical use-cases to monetise Open Banking APIs
In this webinar, we discussed the examples of how banks are commercialising Open APIs to build banking ecosystems. Thomas Zink – IDC research director for European financial services talked about the revenue potential of API enabled use-cases and how to overcome barriers to adoption. Karthik TS – Head, CoE, Torry Harris detailed the best practices to productise APIs, effective API Management and marketplace-banking solutions.


Concierge Bank™
Concierge Bank™, a marketplace-banking product by Torry Harris is helping banks worldwide to offer innovative new products to customers through an API-driven marketplace solution and a simple user interface.

On-Demand Webinar

Up next:Torry Harris enables API
driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Client testimonials
Torry Harris helps Schneider Electric to integrate over 21 ERPs across 40 countries
Jean-Christophe Pharose, Global Finance Program Manager at Schneider Electric, talks about the “Concur” program, why it is useful and how Torry Harris played a crucial role in its success.
Up next:Torry Harris builds Airtel’s
Digital Enablement Platform
Client testimonials
Torry Harris enables API driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Andrew Ralston, Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Pure Planet, Britain’s first app-based renewable energy supplier, talks about Torry Harris being a trusted advisor in helping them build a meaningful digital ecosystem.
Up next:Torry Harris helps Schneider
Electricto integrate over 21 ERPsacross
40 countries
Client testimonials
Torry Harris builds Airtel’s Digital Enablement Platform
Campbell McClean, Chief Information Officer at Airtel - Telemedia, TV and B2B, talks about his long-term association, trust and consistent success with Torry Harris.

Why choose Torry Harris for your digital banking initiatives?

20 years of focus on integration to increase the digital ability of enterprises
A strong business technology vision to deliver on customer objectives
A commitment to specialization, to extend the power of digital access through integration
An industry-recognized product portfolio to accelerate digital initiatives
Platform Economy – tools to accelerate your game
This video discusses the transformational effects enabled through a “Platform model” of doing business. The platform model brings together producers and consumers in high-value exchanges. Torry Harris equips enterprises to become major players in the platform economy. Its quick-start tools, frameworks and services, help accelerate their platform journey.