Telecom providers, financial institutions, retailers, and other industry leaders can empower SMEs by bundling their core services and functionality in an “as-a-service” model, along with digital enablement tools. Any institution that can offer SMEs and other underserved communities, “digital enablement” services, will become a one-stop-shop for their needs and earn a loyal, growing network of fans.

Given that many SMEs may not have very evolved IT systems, they would value digital tools and services from their banks or telcos, or other trusted businesses.

Torry Harris offers a set of products and frameworks that an industry leader in his space can brand and offer to SME customers to empower them digitally.

The SME digital empowerment kit from Torry Harris, offers:

A digital marketplace service to help SMEs find new sales and service offerings. It also enables SMEs to expose their inventory

BSS capabilities such as listing product catalogs, pricing, service calendars, and order capture

Digital capability enhancement through skills upliftment

Everything an SME needs to ‘go digital’

SMEs may need to prepare themselves for further lockdowns. Or they may just need to adapt because their customers’ behaviors have changed due to the pandemic.

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) notes that there’s a strong correlation between productivity and the use of digital technologies. This has only intensified with time. Companies that used digital tools had more sales per employee than those who didn’t.

The “SME digital empowerment kit” enables you to equip SMEs to expose their inventory, bundle third-party offerings, and create new business models.

The SME digital empowerment kit includes:


White label products that you can brand as your own and offer to SMEs.


Storefronts that can plug into SME inventory systems.


Simplified API Management solutions to enable SMEs to expose their data such as product catalog, pricing, and stock levels.

Use the kit today to offer services in a SaaS model to your local SMEs:


Attract SMEs with online storefronts that can also extend as digital marketplaces.


Equip SMEs to sell their offerings online.


Enable SMEs to sell third party products by bundling and packaging them with their own.


Equip them to sell physical, digital, rental, and service-based products.

Faster access to digital revenue with the SME digital empowerment Kit.
Request a call
Up next:Torry Harris enables API
driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Client testimonials
Torry Harris helps Schneider Electric to integrate over 21 ERPs across 40 countries
Jean-Christophe Pharose, Global Finance Program Manager at Schneider Electric, talks about the “Concur” program, why it is useful and how Torry Harris played a crucial role in its success.
Up next:Torry Harris builds Airtel’s
Digital Enablement Platform
Client testimonials
Torry Harris enables API driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Andrew Ralston, Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Pure Planet, Britain’s first app-based renewable energy supplier, talks about Torry Harris being a trusted advisor in helping them build a meaningful digital ecosystem.
Up next:Torry Harris helps Schneider
Electricto integrate over 21 ERPsacross
40 countries
Client testimonials
Torry Harris builds Airtel’s Digital Enablement Platform
Campbell McClean, Chief Information Officer at Airtel - Telemedia, TV and B2B, talks about his long-term association, trust and consistent success with Torry Harris.