Digital marketplace implementation

Build a digital ecosystem beyond APIs and E-commerce

Innovative E-commerce leaders find higher levels of market impact and revenue when they extend their online presence into a digital marketplace. By raising their game from independent seller to coordinating a network of many vendors selling a wide range of products and services, leaders provide more value to customers as they create new revenue streams and new business strategies.

Torry Harris has the deep experience and creative thinking to know there are many different styles and business models for digital marketplaces. We know how to integrate and adapt multiple types of software infrastructure to give your marketplace the flexibility your business needs to build and continually optimize your ecosystem of sellers and service providers.

Fig: Network effects of Marketplace 2.0

Explore our approach and tools

What we do for digital marketplace implementation

We help in...

Educating business leaders and CxOs on the possibilities and wide range of digital marketplace business models, while considering the potential for integrated use of four major types of marketplace offerings: physical products, digital services, scheduled services, and downloadable digital products.
Guiding your business leaders in translating business and marketplace models into robust operational systems and business process requirements based on an integrated marketplace platform.
Setting the foundation for your marketplace by developing platform architecture and integration strategy to bring together existing or new E-commerce software, marketplace technology (including our own Torry Harris Marketplace), enterprise core applications (e.g., ERP, CRM, etc.), and modern integration and cloud platforms.
Detailed design, buildout, and operation of your marketplace, including robust integration, deep security, 24/7 reliability, and the disciplined modern software delivery automation necessary to allow your marketplace to continually change with new ideas, opportunities, and competitive pressures.

What our clients and analysts are saying…

Stephen Reidy, CIO of Three Ireland talks about the "3vision" digital transformation initiative and how they have created brand loyalty and consistency through digitalization.
Airtel’s customer front-end runs on the Digital Enablement Platform built by Torry Harris

Our approach to digital marketplaces

We know the special attention to planning and execution needed for a digital marketplace strategy and platform. Although leading digital marketplaces have been around for many years, it is only recently that a wide range of organizations are seeing how they can create niche strategies and address unique sector- or locale-specific needs via marketplaces. As marketplaces grow to meet more specialized scenarios, they need greater creativity and more careful design, both in their business aspects and in their technology. To get your marketplace on a solid foundation, we ensure:

  • Strong exploration of both today's and tomorrow's possibilities for your marketplace.
  • Clear understanding and definition of the unique, cohesive business / ecosystem foundation of your marketplace, which ensures you are building a tight-knit community, not just another E-commerce site.
  • Integration and planning across the full set of business processes necessary for a digital marketplace for both serving marketplace customers and for cultivating, growing, and serving a rich set of marketplace sellers and service providers.
  • Flexible platform features built to support a wide range of rapidly changing business requirements - as a new initiative, marketplaces constantly encounter new business possibilities, and your platform must be ready to change quickly with each new idea.
What does your digital marketplace need? What is our expertise? What tools do we use?
Initial ideation and brainstorming
  • The range of marketplace business models – Platform 1.0 and 2.0 models (Marketplace as a Service with value orchestration)
  • Relationships between marketplace owners and vendors
  • Marketplace business process requirements
  • Business model canvas
  • Capability roadmaps
  • Executive workshop sessions
  • Platform 2.0 reference model
Marketplace strategy development
  • Translation of your business domain knowledge into actionable strategy and requirements for processes, platforms, and integration tasks
  • Integrating offerings from adjacent industry verticals to create vertical-specific digital ecosystems.
  • Marketplace platform requirements
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Business model canvas
  • Platform architecture templates
  • Business architecture
Marketplace platform strategy and design
  • Marketplace platform products
  • E-commerce platforms
  • Enterprise applications
  • Integration strategy
  • APIs and technology architecture for rapid business change
  • Platform business design
  • Torry Harris' DigitMarketTM Digital Marketplace
  • Oracle ATG, Hybris, Shopify, Magento, AppDirect, Mirakl
  • Cloud integration platforms (iPaaS) – Dell Boomi, SnapLogic, Mulesoft
  • Enterprise software (custom and packaged) including Salesforce, Zuora, SAP, Oracle, ServiceNow
Marketplace build and implementation
  • Marketplace platform products
  • E-commerce platforms
  • Enterprise applications
  • Integration strategy
  • APIs, events, and other modern flexible software infrastructure
  • iPaaS and cloud integration
  • Microservices
  • CI/CD and DevOps
  • Factory software delivery models
  • Partner onboarding automation
  • Torry Harris' delivery products, including Coupler, Deplomatic, AutomatonTM, and AutoStub®
  • Torry Harris' software infrastructure, including DigitMarketTM Digital Marketplace, Coupler and DigitMarketTM API Manager
  • Cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform)
  • Integration platforms (e.g., MuleSoft, Boomi, etc.)
  • Torry Harris DevOps framework and reference implementation
  • Partner onboarding case TM-Forum study
Marketplace managed operations
  • Site Reliability Engineering
  • Automated operations
  • Continuous operations and in-place upgrade strategies
  • Cloud platform operations tools - Deplomatic
  • Production root cause analysis and tracing tools
  • Security monitoring and incident management
  • Custom Operational Dashboards using 4Sight (Torry Harris Tool)
  • AI operations and automated incident response – Torry Harris tool - 4Sight

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