To rapidly change your business, you must rapidly change your software. But that not only increases the risk of breaking your software - and your business - it makes it more difficult to facilitate future change by aligning teams around common designs and architectures. Delivery automation can address all of these concerns, but it won't if it's not all designed in from the start. Torry Harris combines best practices for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), DevOps (along with DevSecOps and more), architecture governance, and digital transformation delivery, as well as team structures and organizational culture, to get your transformation efforts on the fast track.

Explore our approach and tools

What we do for delivery automation

Our agile DevOps model helps you in…

Assessing your current delivery environment and whether your teams, tools, architecture, culture, and governance are ready for taking software delivery to the next level.
Identifying needed improvements to your team structures, tools, architecture patterns, KPIs and SLAs, and governance policies and processes.
Crafting your roadmap for staged evolution to rapid, controlled software delivery to support accelerating rates of business change.
Selecting and implementing your initial delivery automation tools, practices, and scripts, along with a continuous improvement process.
Building automated governance into your delivery pipelines and processes.
Mentoring and training your staff on delivery automation and its critical relationships with collaboration, digital transformation, and solution architecture.

What our clients and analysts are saying…

Torry Harris enables Schneider Electric to enhance its digital offerings
Watch Gail Brockhouse of O2 (Telefónica UK) describe how integration and APIs provide a foundation to leverage legacy and drive O2's business vision

Our DevOps approach and tools

The right DevOps tools, CI/CD processes to accelerate software delivery

Rapid, consistent, high quality software delivery requires thoughtful, disciplined, intentional design of processes, tooling, teams, and organizational culture. But each individual project's delivery speed is only half the story. To accelerate delivery over the long-haul, requires the right level of focus on shared architecture and common designs, so that each project enhances speed for later projects. This means that delivery automation must include governance automation. To build your organization's speed of transformation, Torry Harris ensures a strong understanding of:

  • Cloud native platforms and microservice architecture - Although delivery automation may be applied to any software architecture, it is particularly beneficial - and particularly important - when combined with the greater modularity of modern software design.
  • Your teams' skills and culture - Delivery automation cannot exist on its own, because it changes how developers do their work and they interact with each other. Therefore, team assessment is a key component of crafting a successful DevOps roadmap.
  • Governance goals and priorities - Certain design elements, such as the interface for a business API, are critical to digital success and modern software architecture. Along with software security and your organization's governance needs, these form a vital and often overlooked aspect of delivery automation.
  • Ongoing optimization of delivery automation - With ongoing evolution of your architecture, your governance needs, and available tools and infrastructure, the scripts and frameworks of your delivery automation will need ongoing tuning and refactoring. We can both train your staff to do this or take on this responsibility as a managed service.
Which delivery automation competencies need improvement? What is our expertise? What tools do we use?
Torry Harris Integration Solutions devops1
Overall DevOps architecture and strategy
  • DevOps concepts and infrastructure
  • Software governance
  • Solution architecture
  • Software teams and culture
  • Aligning DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering
  • THIS DevOps assessment questionnaire
  • THIS DevOps roadmap templates
  • Torry Harris DevOps Framework
  • DevOps Toolkit (Curated list of third-party DevOps tools and frameworks)
  • Torry Harris DevOps Reference Implementation
Torry Harris Integration Solutions Pipelines
CI/CD pipelines
  • Integrating CI/CD in your development lifecycle
  • Agile development
  • Scripting
  • Pipelines and code repositories
  • THIS Deplomatic
  • THIS AutomatonTM
  • THIS AutoStub®
  • Git and other repos
  • Jenkins, AWS CodePipeline, and similar tools
  • Terraform, Ansible, Chef, and Puppet
  • Chaos engineering
Torry Harris Integration Solutions devops2
Security validation / Dev-Sec-Ops
  • Secure coding
  • Code and container validation
  • Software supply chain security
  • API security ecosystems
  • Vulnerability scanning tools
  • Container validation tools
  • API security testing tools
  • Application validation and code signing
  • Software composition analysis
  • Code Static Analysis tools
Torry Harris Integration Solutions governance automation
Governance automation
  • Agile governance best practices
  • Architecture and design patterns best practices
  • Compliance as a Code
  • Chaos Engineering
  • Site Reliability Engineering
  • Defining KPIs, SLAs, and metrics
  • THIS MySandbox
  • API and software lifecycle management tools
  • DevOps scripting tools and frameworks
  • AIOps Tool – 4Sight
  • API Standards Conformance Engine
  • THIS RepoProTM
  • Chaos Monkey (third-party)
  • Continuous monitoring using tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Elastic stack
Torry Harris Integration Solutions devops3
People skills
  • DevOps strategy
  • DevOps tools and architecture
  • Online and in-person training and mentoring
  • Torry Harris experts and trainers

Frequently asked questions

Customer expectations and market demands are constantly evolving. Organizations operating in the modern business environment are under immense pressure to deliver value to their customers quickly. The ability to develop and bring new software applications to the end-user is essential to meet increased market demands.

Organizations adopt DevOps in order to break down silos between their development and operations teams with the intention to increase collaboration and quickly introduce new applications to the end-user. The ultimate goal of DevOps is to create a more flexible and agile enterprise environment that can better adapt to changing market demands.

Speed, agility, and flexibility are essential to success in the modern business environment. The rapid adoption of digital technologies has transformed customer expectations, and market demands are constantly changing and evolving. DevOps gives modern enterprises the capacity to quickly respond to changes in the market by developing and deploying software applications that solve pressing business challenges effectively.

DevOps should form one part of a much larger effort by businesses to streamline their internal processes and operations, instill a culture of collaboration, and free up their IT teams to devote more of their time to speed and innovation. Done correctly, DevOps enables businesses to stay responsive to changes in the market and maintain a competitive advantage.

Every DevOps practice is different, but the most successful ones incorporate the following four principles:

  • Automation: Identify processes that can be enhanced and streamlined through automation. DevOps works most effectively when repetitive tasks are automated to encourage collaboration on higher-touch priorities.
  • Customer centricity: The ultimate goal of a good DevOps strategy is to deliver more value for customers. An effective DevOps approach should be designed and implemented with the needs of the customer at the forefront.
  • CI/CD: Continuous Improvement/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) involves testing and experimenting with different approaches to make DevOps performance more efficient and well-equipped to adapt to changing market demands.
  • Responsibility: All stakeholders involved in the implementation of new software applications must share responsibility throughout the entire production cycle. This helps ensure maximum collaboration at every stage of production.

DevOps implementation and adoption can be complicated processes with numerous moving parts. Every organization is different, and each one will face unique pitfalls when it comes to successfully implementing their DevOps strategy.

It can be difficult to understand which best practices are most applicable to an organization, what metrics they should be tracking for long-term performance, and what tools are most appropriate to implement. For those reasons, it’s important for organizations to partner with qualified DevOps experts who can conduct complete assessments of their software development and operations processes to create a customized DevOps practice that delivers real value.

A well-crafted DevOps approach brings numerous benefits to the modern enterprise. However, the immediate advantages involve enabling greater collaboration across the entire application production cycle to bring software to market faster and more efficiently. DevOps enables businesses to break down silos that make it more difficult for teams to share information and complete processes, saving time and resources for innovation in other areas.

Ultimately, the primary benefit of DevOps is that it gives organizations a much higher capacity for innovation and agility. It gives organizations the ability to respond to changing market demands by allowing them to create applications that optimize certain tasks and functions to help them solve specific business challenges.

Collaboration is at the heart of DevOps, but this shouldn’t be exclusive to development and operations teams. It’s important that organizations instill a culture of collaboration that touches every department, team, and individual. A collaborative culture encourages all teams and departments to take ownership of shared projects and responsibilities, and it makes everyone accountable for the wider performance of the organization.

It’s also important for organizations to conduct continuous monitoring of their DevOps approach. They should set goals at the start of implementation and institute a series of metrics to track the performance of their DevOps strategy across time. This enables them to identify possible areas of improvement and ensure their strategy is continuing to deliver value.

There are numerous DevOps tools currently available, each one focusing on optimizing and automating different aspects of development and operations. Some of these include:

  • Configuration management tools: Automate various aspects of infrastructure to accelerate the deployment of new applications.
  • Continuous integration tools: Use CI tools to manage build, test, and deployment workflows and ensure high-level orchestration across teams and departments.
  • Application performance monitoring tools: Understand how code changes are affecting application performance to measure their overall impact.

Microsoft Azure DevOps Services provide organizations with the software tools and solutions they need to facilitate their DevOps implementation. Azure DevOps has a range of integrated features that help teams plan timelines, develop code and bring their applications to market, all in a highly collaborative setting.

Available for both cloud and on-premise environments, Azure DevOps can be customized to fit the organization’s specific DevOps requirements, facilitating faster production and deployment of applications and maximizing speed to value.

Want to see how Torry Harris Integration Services can help you implement an effective DevOps practice? Reach out to our team today to learn more.

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