Smart home adoption is rising 14% YoY. And there are a plethora of manufacturers and service providers that have a stake in the smart home space.

The wealth of device and manufacturer options also means a wide variety of IT protocols, standards, and services.

IoT Glue® is a mobile enabled IoT integration platform that allows you to monetize IoT investments by seamlessly gluing disparate things together. You can now build an ecosystem of providers in the smart home industry, using IoT Glue®, to maximize value provided to the customer. Such an ecosystem ensures an integrated end-user experience, thereby maximizing adoption of your brand.

Smart home management-in-a-box solution has an affordable redistribution license model so you can bundle it as your own branded offering to your customers. It also offers DigitMarket, a digital marketplace and ecosystem framework, to aggregate participants of a smart home ecosystem.

Torry Harris’ IoT Glue® can help

Smart home trends are headed strongly in the direction of multi-tasking home automation systems with a single point of control. This is where Torry Harris’ specialization in integration solutions and its product IoT Glue® can help.

An infographic about DigitMarket API Manager

IT services for Smart home solutions


Turnkey integration


App Integration


Smart Speakers Integration (Alexa, Google, etc.)




Automation through tools & solution accelerators






Cloud-based services

The key components of the IoT-Glue framework are:

X-Builder, or Experience Builder
This module allows you to customize your App and build tailor-made experiences for the end-user. You can connect it to a built-in rules engine and expose the required rule settings to the end user
Protocol Adapters
Adapters is a built-in module that supports commonly used IoT protocols. It is extensible, and allowing you to add pluggable new protocols through integration.
Event Bus and API Orchestration
These are API-driven and include a Rules engine and an event-based flow engine to support a variety of IoT use cases,.
Machine Learning
This module learns and detects patterns based on device data. This component lends itself to train the system to detect anomalies, health and safety related situations such as smoke detection, fire detection, leak detection, etc.

IoT devices operate using a number of protocols and standards, depending on the manufacturer. This can give a smart home a partly automated and partly disconnected feel.

IoT Glue® can offer a fully automated and connected experience to home consumers through a cloud-based, mobile-enabled IoT integration platform that unifies devices from different manufacturers.

Our platform helps build end-to-end IoT solutions including a mobile app using any combination of devices, irrespective of the protocols.

IoT Glue® has an affordable redistribution license model so you can bundle it as your own branded offering.

It provides a simple, drag-and-drop interface, well-organized dashboards, dynamic graphs and is fully aligned to Open API standards.

Help and experience just when you need it

Torry Harris can help you with:

  • Guidance for businesses looking to define an IoT strategy
  • Partnerships with white-label hardware manufacturers to offer your business a more comprehensive IoT solution
  • Building your own digital ecosystem of smart home players through the DigitMarket™ Marketplace and API Manager components.
  • IoT systems integration/application integration
  • Advice on API-Enablement of devices
  • Machine learning, creation of a rules engine to detect risks and patterns
  • IoT integration solutions to help heterogeneous components communicate better
  • An IoT platform that enables you to quickly & securely offer additional IoT offerings to your customers

Frequently asked questions

IoT Glue® is an IoT integration framework. It allows businesses to quickly integrate devices and applications, define rules and take actions. As it is built as a highly extensible framework, IoT Glue® allows users to add adaptors to support more protocols and actions. This IoT platform is built as a low code, easy to use framework, making it an ideal tool for both the business and the technical community. The ability to build custom dashboards and have macro & micro level reports help users monitor their devices & systems efficiently.

IoT Glue® is a framework which enterprises can build their IoT solutions on. So, unlike most products, IoT Glue® comes with fewer limitations. IoT Glue® comes has out of the box support for HTTP & MQTT protocols. But supporting any industry standard or bespoke protocol is easy as the framework can have adaptors. The product is architected to be extensible and scalable. As an IoT integration platform, IoT Glue® also follows a low code approach with easy-to-use user interfaces. The framework also consists of an API Gateway and service composition capabilities which allow not just devices, but also applications to be seamlessly integrated.

Yes. We believe this is an essential part of product delivery. Any product team must be complemented by a delivery team who can fit the product into the customer’s environment. Any customizations and support are also handled by the System Integration team from THIS

Any IoT initiative needs to have an IoT Architect who understands the business objective and the technical/device landscape of the customer.

To use the IoT Glue®, out of the box, a basic understanding of JSON, XML, REST, devices, and protocols are sufficient. At this level users can create rules, trigger actions, and visualize data.

If you want to extend the framework then you can do so using NodeJS, Java and some database (SQL & NoSQL) skills.

What are the different data sources that IoT Glue® can accommodate?

Out of the box, IoT Glue® currently supports HTTP and MQTT. IoT Glue® is easily extensible with adaptors for any other protocol. The SDK provided allows you to build custom adaptors in quick time. Using the adaptors, any data source can be registered on IoT Glue®. The data source can be a device, an endpoint, an edge device, an IoT Gateway etc.

The IoT devices/ services can be logically configured with groups based on endpoints (IP Address & Protocol). These groups can be modelled by designing templates based on use cases. For example: In the use case of remotely monitoring a server room, a template can be configured with details like the server room name, server room no, floor no, building name, server room manager details etc. Once device/source groups are configured for this template, the data can be used for processing, creating visualizations and even for triggering actions based on rules that are configured in RT-Builder.

IoT Glue® supports Real Time and Near to Real Time Operations:

RT-Builder (Real Time Builder) - gives business users the ability to build business workflows based on their requirements. A business flow contains one or more data sources (aka Source in IoT Glue®), Rules, Actions, Triggers and Visualization Nodes. Based on the rules in the flow, actions will be triggered or analysis can be done on certain KPIs in real time.

X-Builder or experience builder is an API-driven module which allows you to configure widgets, build what-you-see-is-what-you-get dashboards (WYSIWYG) and publish them to particular user roles.

IoT Glue® offers three choices in modules while purchasing the product:

  • Commune and RT Builder: Useful if the user wishes to only build rules based on business scenarios which can help trigger real time actions or analyze endpoints and not wish to visualize the data on a dashboard. Commune is used to register and configure users, data sources and devices for these operations
  • Commune and X-Builder: Useful if the user wishes to build and generate what-you-see-is-what-you-get dashboards (WYSIWYG) using APIs from data streams generated external to IoT Glue®. Commune is used to register and configure users, services and APIs in this scenario
  • Commune with both RT Builder and X-builder: By using a combination of all the 3, the business user has an option to register Devices/Services on Commune, build business flows using RT-Builder from the data streams and generate Dashboards with X-Builder

IoT Glue® offers two levels of dashboards: One at the product and another at the Use case or operational level:

  • Product level dashboard: View information with regards to IoT Glue® modules and user activities:
    • Commune: Visualize number of device groups created, number of active devices and other information regarding services, devices and user management
    • RT-Builder: Details of approved flows, number of requests appearing for each flow and more
    • X-Builder: Information on the published dashboards, number of visualizations available for each dashboard, and much more

    Users can publish the above dashboards using APIs to a particular user role for each module.

    • Use Case level – IoT Glue® can be used for different business domains like fleet management, infrastructure management, crowd management etc. Multiple dashboards with insights for every use case can be published by leveraging the X-Builder module where these are composed

There are no pre-defined user roles with templates regarding access and permissions. Instead, an admin can add user roles in the Commune module of IoT Glue® and configure permissions to each user role like create a source/device group, edit source group, create a flow, edit a flow, approve/publish a flow and many more with regards to X-Builder and RT-Builder.

Up next:Torry Harris enables API
driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Client testimonials
Torry Harris helps Schneider Electric to integrate over 21 ERPs across 40 countries
Jean-Christophe Pharose, Global Finance Program Manager at Schneider Electric, talks about the “Concur” program, why it is useful and how Torry Harris played a crucial role in its success.
Up next:Torry Harris builds Airtel’s
Digital Enablement Platform
Client testimonials
Torry Harris enables API driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Andrew Ralston, Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Pure Planet, Britain’s first app-based renewable energy supplier, talks about Torry Harris being a trusted advisor in helping them build a meaningful digital ecosystem.
Up next:Torry Harris helps Schneider
Electricto integrate over 21 ERPsacross
40 countries
Client testimonials
Torry Harris builds Airtel’s Digital Enablement Platform
Campbell McClean, Chief Information Officer at Airtel - Telemedia, TV and B2B, talks about his long-term association, trust and consistent success with Torry Harris.
  • The typical smart home has devices by multiple brands. This brings several service areas up for competition.
  • Vendors may have individual apps to control their respective devices. However, an app that offers universal smart home controls would set trends.