Explore solutions that concretely address CSP legacy challenges, IoT connectivity needs and the human upskilling factor as you go digital.

Legacy to Cloud native Kit

Leverage your legacy assets to offer differentiated customer journeys, by methodically transitioning to a cloud native setup. Our “legacy to cloud native kit” renders ready-to-deploy digital tools, automation frameworks and services aligned to TMForum Open Digital Architecture, to help you build scale and efficiency while standardizing cloud native components across group companies and reducing OpEx costs.

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Smart home management-in-a-box, using IoT Glue®

Offer a connected experience to home consumers through a cloud-based, mobile-enabled IoT integration platform that unifies disparate device experiences. IoT Glue® is fully aligned to TMForum Open APIs. It provides a simple, drag-and-drop interface and has an affordable redistribution license model to bundle it as your own branded offering.

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Empowering the digital human

As Telcos embrace digital tools and processes, little attention is paid to formally upskill loyal associates, who it is assumed will “go digital”. In order to fill this gap and help move from a CSP to DSP, a learning program has been devised in accordance with TMForum ODA, Open APIs and standards, for different levels within the CSP enterprise, which tells you all you need to know about going digital but were afraid to ask. Instructor-led courses range from AI, 5G and blockchain to new business models for the new world.

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SME Empowerment kit

CSPs are well positioned to capitalize on the SME opportunity, especially in current times where digital means have replaced physical touchpoints. The THIS “SME Empowerment kit” enables you to equip SMEs to expose their inventory, bundle third-party offerings and create new business models. The kit includes white label products that you can brand as your own and offer to SMEs. It includes a storefront that can plug into SME’s inventory systems, simplified API Management to enable SMEs to expose their data such as pricing, stock levels, etc.

Use the kit today to offer services in a SaaS model to key communities, beyond connectivity – BSS: product catalogue, pricing, order capture etc.

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By Mark Newman and Karthik T.S
Up next:Torry Harris enables API
driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Client testimonials
Torry Harris helps Schneider Electric to integrate over 21 ERPs across 40 countries
Jean-Christophe Pharose, Global Finance Program Manager at Schneider Electric, talks about the “Concur” program, why it is useful and how Torry Harris played a crucial role in its success.
Up next:Torry Harris builds Airtel’s
Digital Enablement Platform
Client testimonials
Torry Harris enables API driven digital capability for Pure Planet
Andrew Ralston, Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Pure Planet, Britain’s first app-based renewable energy supplier, talks about Torry Harris being a trusted advisor in helping them build a meaningful digital ecosystem.
Up next:Torry Harris helps Schneider
Electricto integrate over 21 ERPsacross
40 countries
Client testimonials
Torry Harris builds Airtel’s Digital Enablement Platform
Campbell McClean, Chief Information Officer at Airtel - Telemedia, TV and B2B, talks about his long-term association, trust and consistent success with Torry Harris.

On-Demand Webinar

Webinar: Microservices Governance: Best practices for CSPs - Part 1
Webinar: Microservices Governance: Best practices for CSPs - Part 2
A guide to monetising your APIs
5G Future: Business models for monetisation

Other Resources


Torry Harris wins Digital Experience Awards
For the second straight year, Torry Harris Integration Solutions (THIS) won two important UK Digital Experience Awards (UKDXA). The UK DXA recognizes digital excellence and innovation. It honors organizations and teams providing exceptional customer experience through the use of digital technology.


Digital Training, Upskilling
To meet your Digital Transformation goals, you need a skilled team, a team familiar with digital tools, frameworks and processes, a team that can execute with confidence to make transformation happen in the enterprise context. While the current crisis may have enhanced the need for online and digital upskilling, being in the know about new age technology, enabling and equipping your teams to be digitally ready is perhaps a priority to steer organizational success.


DigitMarket™ API Manager for API Management
DigitMarket™ API Manager (DM-APIM) is a complete package to help manage your APIs and make them into tools that propel your business forward.